Saturday, November 17, 2012


“Ry, it’s hot.” Blade wiped his hand across his forehead, catching the drips of perspiration heading for his eyes. He stared out the narrow window, thrown open to catch the faint breeze of sweltering air. It even looked hot with the browning grass and a   heaviness to the sky, almost as it he could see the heat swirling in the air.
“It’s summer.” Ryan pressed the glass of ice water to his cheek. “Take a shower. Get some more water. Put a damp towel around your neck.”
“If I take any more showers I’m going to turn into a prune. Who thought it was a good idea to make extra money teaching summer school in our own version of Hades? This is like living in an overheated coffin.” Blade jerked open the freezer, sticking his whole head into its icy depths.
“Boy,” Ryan growled. “You’re being a drama queen.”
Blade whirled around, slamming the freezer door as Ryan’s hand skipped across Blade’s thinnest and lightest shorts. “I’m the submissive; I’m entitled to a little drama.”
“So this is how you want to play it?” Ryan’s blue eyes were dancing with a wicked gleam in has tanned faced. “Give me the ice, boy.”
“Ice?” Blade asked, trying for naive innocence. Ry wouldn’t, would he? Shit that might be cool.
“Boy, last time I checked English was your native language and your hearing was in order. Ice now.”
Blade didn’t now if he should grin at the order or have the good sense to be afraid. That voice scared the crap out of recalcitrant students. Even the tough, cool types stayed out of trouble with Ryan and whispered comments about muscle hunks, steroids, and temper. They had to have some excuse for behaving like timid mice when Ryan cornered them for wrong doing.
Blade handed Ryan the old fashion ice tray; dorm parents didn’t rate modern refrigerators. “Sir, master?”
Ryan dumped several cubes onto the counter before palming them in his large hand. “Stay.” He strode to the door and turned the bolt, preventing entry by a stray student. “Strip.”
Blade dropped his clothes. He hadn’t had much on anyway, the minimum that Ryan accepted for public viewing—T-shirt and skimpy shorts.
Ryan shifted the ice into his other hand and ran a chilled finger down Blade’s chest, pinching a nipple too hard for comfort. “Bathroom.” He grabbed Blade’s arm and dragged him toward the tiny cubicle that was far too small for both of them. Ryan by himself looked like a giant, dwarfing the doll sized room with its cracked tiles and perpetually dripping faucets. “Put them in.” Ryan open his hand, revealing four cubes of ice. There edges softened, but still intimidating, especially where Ryan wanted them.
Fuck! Blade reached out for the first cube. His fingers slipped over it, not getting a good hold.
“You have two minutes.”
Two minutes to shove four frozen rocks up his ass. This was crazy. Oh, God, Blade grabbed the ice, keeping one piece in his hand and tossing the rest in the sink. He knew his face was red. Ass play with himself with Ryan watching—fucking crazy. 
“Hurry boy. If I have to do it, I’ll use far more than four. Ninety seconds.”
Shit it was cold, and he wasn’t stretched. At least it was slippery. “Cold,” Blade moaned as he pushed the first one inside.
Ryan stood against the doorframe, impassive and menacing, his arms crossed, his blue eyes crystalline blocks. “Thirty seconds.”
Two more left. He crammed the next one in, hopping around as the cold hit passage designed for body warmth. 
“Ten, boy.”
Blade grabbed the last piece. At least in the heat, it had melted to a rounded edge blob. 
“Three, two—”
“In.” Blade held his hands up, his feet dancing an undirected jig as the cold settled deep inside.
“Present.” Blade snapped his hands behind his neck and spread his legs. “Hold it, boy.”
Ryan lifted Blade’s chin and kissed him, deep and demanding, his tongue sweeping inside Blade’s mouth. He cupped Blade’s testicles and with a quick stroke of Blade’s erect shaft stepped away.
“At least part of you like this,” Ryan glanced meaningfully at Blade’s groin.
Blade had just stuffed four ice cubes up his ass, and he was hard as a rock. “Ry?” Blade wasn’t supposed to talk in this position. 
“Shh.” Ryan fingered Blade’s hair. “For you on the edge. Do you need a breather?” Ryan’s voice was gentle, a caress, so different from the orders a second ago.
“I’m OK.”
“Good boy.” Ryan kissed Blade softly on the lips before tracing a line down Blade’s chest with his lips and ending at his groin. Ryan swallowed Blade in one easy motion.
“Sir, please. Please I’m going to come.”
Ryan spat out Blade’s shaft and landed a hard spank on his ass. “Go ahead, boy, but you do it my way.”
The heat engulfed Blade again, but now new heat was exploding across his ass, driving him deeper into Ryan’s mouth. “Agh!”
Ryan swallowed easily and rose in a smooth motion. His kiss was all consuming and tasted of Blade. 
“Beautiful boy. Get rid of the water and take a shower. Cold only.”
“Cruel,” Blade said with a smile.
“You were the one who was too hot; I’m just cooling you down.”
“After getting me hotter.”
“But you’re beautiful when you’re hot. Shoo now.” 
Summer wasn’t so bad after all, not with Ryan as Blade’s heating and air man.


  1. Liked the show instead of it just being implied. Blade and Ryan are just such a breath of fresh air. Love them together. Melissa

    1. I always find the two of them a lot of fun. They are very honest that it's about enjoying each other.

  2. Hot! :D I always love these two playing together and Ryan's mastery over Blade!
