Friday, November 16, 2012

Austin's Diary - The Next Morning

The Next Morning:
I scrambled up the stairs for my clothes. Shit I was tired. I’d slept in that bed for months, but it had felt completely foreign last night without the rumble of Milton’s breathing, well, his snoring really. He’d never admit it, but damn, he could snore.
“I’m not staying home from work,” Sheldon snapped. “You don’t have the right.”
“I do, boy,” Milton stated flatly. “Now are we doing this the easy way, or do I punish you first? It would be kinder to yourself not to have me spank you again, but that’s your choice.” Milton shrugged his big shoulders. He was already dressed for work in a crisp shirt that yours truly had ironed. (Don’t get me started on the ironing. I swear he must have a crispness meter.)
“You don’t interfere with my work. I have responsibilities.”
“You have a responsibility to me as my submissive,” Milton said in a low, dangerous voice, a tone that made me gulp and search my conscience. “You stay home today.”
“This isn’t fair!” Sheldon punched the pillow. “You can’t do this.”
“I can, and I am. In bed until I say otherwise.”
“I can’t believe this!” Sheldon groused and kicked the covers back, but didn’t leave the bed.
“Believe it, boy. Austin!” Milton had turned and just caught a glimpse of me in the doorway. “I’m going to put a bell on you, cub.” Milton’s expression softened. “You doing OK?”
I shrugged and plucked at my pajama sleeve.
Milton gave me a trace of a smile. “Of course you’re not doing OK.” He caught my arm and pulled me into a hard hug. “Sheldon and I are fighting. That’s hard for you. We do this occasionally; only now you have a front row seat.” Milton kissed the top of my head. “I need you to be tough here. Get your clothes, go downstairs, and eat your breakfast.”
“What are you going to do to Sheldon?” I looked over at Sheldon. He was sitting up now, his knees drawn up under his chin. The slim collar was visible on his pale skin.
“Keep me prisoner and beat me.”
“Sheldon.” Milton sounded both fond and exasperated.
“God, I know; don’t scare the baby. Kid, he’s not going to kill me. We’ll do this reaffirmation of my place in the relationship, which means Milton gets ten times as bossy as usual, and I’m miserable until I remember why I like this so much. He’ll probably feed me and make me take a nap and maybe read one of my favorite books to me. He’ll choose what I wear and just overall be a complete ogre. Terrible tortures, I know.”
I looked between Milton and Sheldon, confused. Sheldon had sounded so angry, but now he was teasing, almost smiling.
“Austin.” Milton captured my face in his hands. “Submission isn’t only about physical punishment; it’s about the relationship between the two of us—between the three of us. Sheldon and I will work on reestablishing our boundaries and positions. I won’t promise it will be all peaceful. We both have powerful personalities, but we always make this work. Now go eat your breakfast.”

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